Frequently Asked Questions

What is a professional sensual massage?

A professional sensual massage is a therapeutic practice that focuses on the body's erogenous zones to promote relaxation, stress relief, and increased emotional connection. It combines traditional massage techniques with a more intimate touch to engage both the body and mind.

Is sensual massage the same as an erotic massage?

While both involve intimate touch, a professional sensual massage emphasizes relaxation and therapeutic benefits, while an erotic massage may have other intentions. Always inquire with the practitioner about the specifics of their experience.

Who can benefit from a sensual massage?

Anyone looking to experience deeper relaxation, reduce stress, and connect more profoundly with their own body can benefit. It can also help people enhance intimacy and understanding within their personal lives.

How do I find a reputable practitioner?

Seek referrals, read online reviews, and check for memberships in professional associations. Ensure the practitioner is transparent about their services and credentials.

What services does the studio offer?

We offer a range of sensual massage therapies tailored to promote relaxation, stress relief, and a deeper connection with one's body.

Is the studio licensed and professional?

Yes, I am trained and adhere to a strict code of conduct to ensure professionalism.

What is the environment like?

My studio provides a serene, discreet, and comfortable environment, ensuring your utmost privacy and relaxation.

How do I book an appointment?

Appointments can be made by phone, or online. I recommend booking in advance due to high demand.

How should I prepare for my session?

Showering beforehand or in studio is appreciated. Come with an open mind and communicate any specific needs or boundaries with me upon arrival.

What should I expect during a session?

Expect a comfortable environment where your boundaries are respected. Communication is key. The practitioner will use various massage techniques, focusing on areas that promote relaxation and intimacy.

How long is a typical session?

Sessions can vary but often range from 60 to 90 minutes.

What attire is appropriate?

Wear whatever makes you feel comfortable. During the massage, some clients prefer to be nude, covered by a sheet, while others wear underwear.

Are the sessions confidential?

Absolutely. Your privacy and discretion are of utmost importance to me. All records and client details are kept confidential.

Do you offer couple sessions?

No, we do not provide sessions for couples.

What are your rates?

Rates vary depending on the duration and type of massage. You can find a detailed price list here.

Is tipping required?

Tipping is at your discretion but is always appreciated. If you enjoyed the service, feel free to tip.

Can I stop the session if I feel uncomfortable?

Absolutely. Your comfort is paramount. If at any point you feel uncomfortable, please communicate with your therapist immediately.