The Art of Rest: Nurturing My Well-being and Business as a Sacred Intimate

The Art of Rest: Nurturing My Well-being and Business as a Sacred Intimate

Since starting my business I’ve found myself addicted to productivity. From completely redesigning my brand image, tirelessly improving my SEO, and responding promptly to client inquiries, my to-do list is always full. Even as a holistic sensual practitioner, I have a tendency to overlook rest in the pursuit of success. However, I have come to realize that prioritizing rest not only nourishes my personal life but also sustains the growth and success of my business. In this post, I will explore the power of rest and share insights into how it has positively impacted my life as a professional.

The Power of Rest

My profession demands both physical and mental exertion. The intimate and hands-on nature of the job requires focus, concentration, and emotional presence. Whenever I find myself exhausted, and consistently irritable I honor my need to rejuvenate and recharge, so I can continue to deliver the highest quality service to my clients.

Rest is not only about physical recovery; it also stimulates creativity and innovation. By allowing myself the space and time to rest, I have discovered that I am better able to tap into my creativity, develop new techniques, and explore unique service offerings. Rest enables me to bring a fresh perspective to my work and consistently deliver a unique and satisfying experience to my clients.

Furthermore, rest plays a crucial role in maintaining my energy levels. Sensual bodywork requires a deep level of connection and engagement with clients. By prioritizing rest, I ensure that I am fully present and able to provide the nurturing touch and attentive care that my clients deserve. Chasing productivity, bookings, or engagement takes away from my ability to exist in a state of flow professionally. As an incredibly intuitive person, ceaseless productivity does not allow me to rest in that calm, nurturing, feminine energy my clients have come to enjoy.

My Self-Care Routine During Downtime

Setting boundaries and establishing a work-life balance is essential for the well-being of any professional, and sensual bodyworkers are no exception. I never work Sundays, and I don’t respond to inquiries after 6 PM because that’s my time to zen out with my family, or take some much-needed alone time. During my downtime, I engage in various self-care practices that ground me and prepare me for professional presence.

Mindfulness exercises and meditation play a significant role in my self-care routine. These practices help me center myself, relieve stress, and cultivate a sense of calm. Taking time to connect with my breath and be fully present in the moment allows me to recharge and approach my work with a soft focus. One trick I’ve learned to quiet my mind is to try to contemplate my next thought. Interestingly I almost always run a blank, and I take a moment to bask in the stillness. When my mind chatter is especially grating I utilize a variety of guided meditations. Sometimes you have to fight fire with fire, and in this case noise with calmer more balanced noise.

Making time for mindful movement is also integral to my self-care routine. Yoga, leisurely walks, and salt baths are some of my favorites. These not only help alleviate physical tension but also promote a sense of balance. 

Yoga connects my breath to my moving body and result in sessions that allow my clients to drift into a deep state of relaxation. 

Walks stimulate my creativity and allow me to ponder deeper questions about the direction of my business, whether I need to pivot, and how I can continue to honor myself. 

Lastly, salt baths (pardon the woo) clear my aura and allow me to rid myself of any spiritual gunk I may have accumulated during the workday. Through my studies, I’ve learned that energy is magnetic. As I relieve stress from my clients that stressful energy sticks to the next magnetic thing in the room, which happens to be me. A slow, intentional bath filled with salt and my favorite herbs brings vitality to my mind body, and spirit.

In addition to these practices, I make sure to engage in leisure activities that bring me joy and relaxation. Reading, spending time in nature, or even embroidery allow me to disconnect from work and recharge my mind. These activities allow me to thrive in both my personal and professional life, showing up as both a grounded and vibrant person.

Nurturing My Business through Rest

There is a direct correlation between personal well-being and business success. By prioritizing rest, I have witnessed significant growth and development in my profession.

Rest enhances my creativity and innovation. When I am well-rested, my mind is clear, and I am able to think outside the box. This has led me to develop new service offerings, explore innovative techniques, and continuously evolve my craft. Rest has become a catalyst for professional growth and has helped me stand out in a competitive industry. There are so many providers and practitioners that my clients could see. What sets me apart? How is what I offer different? How can I curate my online presence to reflect the most authentic version of myself?

Moreover, rest contributes to improved client communication and satisfaction. When I prioritize my own well-being, I am better equipped to empathize, connect, and cater to my clients' needs. Some clients take more out of me the others. Setting aside time for myself ensures that I consistently provide a calm and nurturing space for my clients. I consider myself a master of crafting an atmosphere of trust and relaxation and maintaining that is important to me.

Running a successful sensual bodywork business involves more than just providing massages. There are administrative tasks, marketing efforts, and other responsibilities that require time and attention. By prioritizing rest, I avoid burnout and maintain a sustainable business model. After time off I can approach these tasks with clarity and efficiency, ensuring the long-term success and growth of my business.


The art of rest is a transformative practice for both personal and professional growth. By setting boundaries, engaging in self-care practices, and recognizing the power of time off, I have witnessed firsthand the positive impact it has on my creativity, energy levels, client satisfaction, and overall business success. I encourage all professionals in any field, to prioritize rest and self-care, as it is a vital aspect of nurturing personal well-being and achieving professional excellence.


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